Raised Floors

Pavimenti sopraelevati

SOTEA deals with the installation of raised floors: a highly effective solution to gain valuable space inside and outside of commercial properties.

Modular systems for raised flooring

In any work environment wires and pipes run through the productive or commercial space. These networks often have a very large footprint in the operational phases and affect the aesthetics of the places. To find suitable housing for computer networks, telephone systems, electrical systems and air conditioning systems a satisfactory solution is formed by laying a floating floor, which is raised above the ground level. Through modular panels according to the requirements, you can achieve full coverage of the space.

The best way to use all the available space

Sotea can provide different models of raised floors crafted by the most reliable manufacturers worldwide. They are solid surfaces, designed to support heavy loads and intense usage and at the same time to provide protection to system components of plant.

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